A couple years ago I moved from California to Texas. It was really hard for me because I had never moved to a different state before. I also had all my friends in California and would never want to leave them. I was so sad to be leaving my best friend I felt sick. It was like I had eaten a dozen spoiled eggs and I was being forced to eat more. When the day had finally come I had mixed emotions; sad, nervous, scared but, I also did feel a little excited. I had only been to Texas once and it was the summer before. I knew that I would always have my best friend and we could skype all the time.  When we finally got there I was really excited, it was as if all the horrible feeling I had felt before had diapered in the air on the flight there. When we got to our new house there was lots of unpacking to do but it felt like my home, and I knew I was going to have a lot of fun here. I still live in Texas and I have made lots of new friends. I also get to see my best friend every year on my birthday. So, even though it was hard at first I am so happy I moved! I would also love to know if you have ever moved before and can relate to this.